RESELLER ENROLLMENT FORMPlease fill in and complete the form below. Our team shall response to your inquiry on the following business days. First Name *Last Name *Designation *Contact Number *Email *Website / URL *Company Name *Company Registration Number *State *Country *Type of Business/Services (maximum 3 selections) *Retail ShopSystem IntegratorService ProviderMarketingConsultingTrainingEducationLegalHave you sold progeCAD to your customer(s) before? *YesNeverIf Yes, please indicate how many units (in total) you've sold so far, and from which company/organization you obtain the progeCAD supply? This information is required if you've sold to your customers and/or source the supply from the supplier/provider/reseller/distributor, in order to protect relevant party interest and relationships.Do you (or the company) still engaged, attached and/or in contract (agreement) with any supplier/provider/reseller/distributor, in relation to progeCAD product(s)? *YesNoNever (this is the first time)Product Experience (Software) *How do you sell and/or market? (select any relevant option) *Retail ShopWebsite (online)Walk-in (offline)Booth/KioskPublic areaSocial MediaSub-Reseller/AgentOthersTarget Market (select any option you involved with) *CommercialCorporateGovernmentAcademicManufacturerPrinting ServicesIndividualOthersList any software you're currently working on and/or selling/supplying. *Experience in CAD software/products. *no experienceless than a year1 year2-5 years6-10 yearsmore than 10 yearsAbout Your Company *Your Sales Target Achievement Plan *1-19 units within 3-6 months20-49 units within 6-12 months50-100 units within 12 monthsover 100+ units within 12 monthsThe above is only your estimation based on your past experience in relevant work scope. You may refer the above target in the Agreement, if you feel the target is inappropriate or not within your capacity.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / DECLARATION *I/We hereby verify, acknowledge and declare the above information is true and valid, and no false information is provided. I/We shall agree to all the terms and conditions applied therein and hereinafter. I/We also understand this application may not be valid/accepted should there any invalid/false information provided in the above form, and no claims or such shall be made if this application is declined.WebsiteSubmit